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Renting with a purpose

April 20, 2024


Renting before buying can be a strategic and beneficial step towards securing your dream home in the future. In a dynamic real estate market, making the most of your renting experience is a savvy approach that allows you to gather valuable insights, save for your ideal property, and make informed decisions when the time comes

The effects of rising interest rates on investors and renters

April 13, 2024


Rising interest rates can have significant implications for both investors and renters in the real estate market.  For property investors, the impact of rising interest rates is predominantly felt through mortgage rates. As interest rates increase, the cost of borrowing rises, potentially reducing the purchasing power of investors. This can lead to a slowdown in

You’ve sold your house – now what?

April 6, 2024


Congratulations on successfully selling your house! This is undoubtedly an exciting accomplishment, but it also marks the beginning of a new chapter. What should you consider once the deal is sealed, and the keys have changed hands? Firstly, it’s time to tie up loose ends. Notify the necessary parties of your change of address, including

Before you make an offer, make sure you read this

March 30, 2024


Buying a property is a significant decision, and before you dive into making an offer, it’s crucial to be well-informed. Here’s some advice to consider before taking that big step. Firstly, take the time to thoroughly research the property. Look into its history, neighbourhood, and any potential issues. This can help you make a more

Understanding the impact of population growth and increased migration on the property market

March 23, 2024


In the ever-evolving landscape of the real estate market, one cannot overlook the profound impact that population growth and increased migration have on property dynamics. These demographic factors are not mere statistics but integral forces that shape the buying, selling, and management of properties. Let’s explore the intricate relationship between population trends, migration patterns, and

Exploring the Top Trends in Real Estate

March 16, 2024


In the ever-evolving landscape of real estate, staying abreast of the latest trends is crucial for both buyers and sellers. Let’s explore some of the noteworthy trends shaping the property market.

What is ‘rent to own’ and how can you get into your first home

March 9, 2024


Owning your first home is a significant milestone, and one avenue to explore is the rent-to-own option. This approach provides an alternative for those who may not be ready to commit to a traditional mortgage just yet. Rent-to-own, also known as a lease-option or lease-to-buy, is a process where you rent a property with the

What does a rental crisis actually mean and why are rents so high?

March 2, 2024


The term ‘rental crisis’ has become commonplace when discussing the property rental market – but what does it really mean? This phenomenon refers to a situation where the demand for rental properties significantly outstrips the available supply. As a result, rents skyrocket, posing challenges for both tenants and property owners. Let’s delve into why this

The Journey to Secure Your House Deposit

February 24, 2024


In real estate, the journey toward homeownership often begins with a crucial step – the house deposit. Let’s look into the nuances of house deposits with some helpful information to guide you through the process.

How to improve the appeal of your investment

February 17, 2024


Enhancing the appeal of your home is a strategic move that can significantly impact its market value and attract potential buyers. Property presentations, well-maintained gardens, and updated fixtures play pivotal roles in making a positive impression on prospective buyers.

Settling Smoothly into Your New Home with Key Considerations

February 10, 2024


As you embark on this exciting journey of settling into your new home, there are several important considerations that might slip your mind amidst the chaos of unpacking boxes and arranging furniture.

Practical tips to increase rent and market appeal

February 3, 2024


Considering leasing or selling your property? Discover effective strategies to enhance its rental yield and market value without breaking the bank.

Managing the impact of rising costs in your home

January 27, 2024


In the face of escalating living expenses, implementing strategies to stretch your dollar becomes crucial. Small savings across various aspects of your life can accumulate into significant financial relief. Let’s explore effective ways to manage the impact of rising costs in your home.

Should investors keep their rental properties? The impact of a strong rental market

January 20, 2024


A strong rental market is characterised by high demand, low vacancy rates, and a steady influx of potential tenants. For property investors, this scenario can be a double-edged sword, presenting both opportunities and challenges.

A Comprehensive Guide for Landlords

January 17, 2024


Being a landlord can be a rewarding experience, and it also comes with its fair share of responsibilities. Understanding the legal obligations, best practices, and tips for managing your rental business is crucial. This guide aims to provide landlords with valuable insights and practical advice to ensure a successful and compliant rental operation. 1. Know

Setting The Right Price When Selling Your Home

January 17, 2024


The real estate market is highly dynamic, and the final sale price of a property is determined by several factors. While the mortgage owed and the cost of purchasing another property are important considerations, they do not solely determine the listing price or the eventual sale price. An experienced real estate agent with local knowledge

Nailing your rental application: Tips to get approved

January 17, 2024


To stand out among the competition and secure your dream rental property, it’s important to have an organised and fully complete rental application. Here are some tips to make your application process more efficient and effective so you’re ready for your next rental property inspection. Be organised with your paperwork Start by getting all your

Are there risks with self-managing my property?

January 17, 2024


Owning a rental property is a great way to build your investment portfolio and diversify your assets as you plan your life into retirement. When you do purchase you will find the decision to either have the property managed or self-manage. Employing a property manager to take care of the intricacies of property rentals can

What does property investment look like in 2024

January 17, 2024


The year 2024 brings forth both challenges and opportunities for those considering property investment. Here’s a comprehensive overview to help you navigate the nuances of property investment in 2024. Tech-Driven Transactions In this digital age, technology continues to reshape the real estate industry. From virtual property tours to blockchain-based transactions, the use of cutting-edge tools

High property demand, low supply - the impact of a seller's market

January 17, 2024


When there is a trend where property demand has soared while the available supply remains on the lean side it creates what is commonly referred to as a seller’s market—a scenario where those putting their homes up for sale hold a significant advantage. The first thing to understand is that a high-demand and low-supply environment